Hey, woah, bro! What you got there, bro? A hammer, bro? What are you, some kind of Hammer Bro, bro? Are you gonna hit me, bro? All because I pulled a harmless little prank, bro? It was just a prank, bro! Just because I turned your dad into a pig, bro? Just because I pig’d your dad, bro? You’re gonna hit me with a hammer, bro? Not cool, bro. Bruh, bro… I don’t really know how to transition from this terribly stupid bit into actual information, bro. This episode covers chapters 4-6 for what it’s worth, bro. We laughed and we cried, bro. Much like how I’m gonna cry if you keep swinging that hammer, bro. C’mon, bro. I just don’t underst-
We’ll see you next time as we wrap up Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (bro)
Our list of games can be found here.
You can watch Melanie and Joe stream these games here.
Smashterpieces is brought to you by Anonymous Dinosaur and Nintendo World Report. This episode was edited by Joe.