Do you feel that? The dread? The fear? The anxiety? Mostly the dread though, it’s the one that’s in the title so I guess it’s the most important. Please stop talking, or that evil robot is going to find us. What? I’m the one who’s been talking this whole time? Have I at least been telling you about this new bonus episode from Smashterpieces on 2021’s Metroid Dread for the Nintendo Switch? Yes? What about how we liked it and talk a lot about why we like it? Have I mentioned how Kraid doesn’t deserve respect? You’re waving your arms wildly with fear in your eyes, but I asked a yes or no question could you at least answer? It’s rude not t- Oh I appear to have been stabbed.
Our list of games can be found here.
You can watch Melanie and Joe stream these games here.
Smashterpieces is brought to you by Anonymous Dinosaur and Nintendo World Report, editing assistance is provided by Peter Spezia. This episode was edited by Melanie.