Welcome to the first and likely final meeting of this HOA, we’re glad you’ve taken the time out of your busy schedule to be with us today. We don’t want to keep you here for too long so let’s just go ahead and jump into it, shall we? Today’s agenda is a collection of neighborhood complaints from the town of Smash that have been combined to form what we’re calling Smashterpiece #35: Animal Crossing. All parties involved have decided to remain anonymous out of fear for their safety. Complaint #1: One resident of Smash, hereby known only as “K”, grifted the town salesman out of roughly 50% more paper than she would ever need, he didn’t appreciate it. Complaint #2: Another resident, now known as “B”, was seen walking along the beach in the dark with what a neighbor described as “a look of murderous intent” and went fishing for several consecutive hours. Complaint #3: Multiple instances of people taking things out of the lost and found that is not their’s. We’re going to jump to our panel of experts now so they can talk about their month in the town of Smash, so I guess please enjoy that.
Join us next time as we totally win a completely free and non-haunted mansion in Smashterpiece #36: Luigi’s Mansion
Our list of games can be found here!
You can watch Melanie and Joe stream these games here.
Smashterpieces is brought to you by Anonymous Dinosaur and Nintendo World Report, editing assistance is provided by Peter Spezia. This episode was edited by Melanie.