OSC 159 - /reality & Sonic 3 & Knuckles

THIS WEEK: Joe loads his mind into Vitalia to interact with spirits in a virtual reality-inspired visual novel with Chase Bethea's work in < /Reality > and Peter gushes over cartridge lock-on technology while uncovering one of game music's most legendary stories with the King of Pop in Sonic 3 & Knuckles.


7:20 - Composer Headlines

11:56 - GAME 1: < /REALITY >

22:43 - Composer History: Chase Bethea

33:17 - Critical Track #1

35:26 - Critical Track #2

38:56 - Critical Track #3

41:26 - Critical Track #4

44:08 - Critical Track #5

46:32 - Cutting Room Floor

53:37 - Transition

54:52 - GAME 2: SONIC 3 & KNUCKLES

1:14:12 - Composer History: Michael Jackson

1:37:06 - Critical Track #1

1:39:42 - Critical Track #2

1:43:06 - Critical Track #3

1:44:48 - Critical Track #4

1:46:58 - Critical Track #5

1:49:12 - Cutting Room Floor

1:56:25 - Outro

Original Soundchat is a production of Anonymous Dinosaur and Rhymes With Asia