Murder in Sol-Itar is a visual novel-style mystery game about a detective on a floating city solving a murder case. It was made as part of a Game World Creation course where as a class we created a world and then in smaller groups had to create a city in that world, then on our own we were tasked with making a game taking place in that world.
Many floating cities exist all around this world, built on massive and ancient supercomputers with cooling fans so large they lift the cities above the sky. These computers are maintained by small machines known as Wisps and protected by massive and fearsome machines called Wyverns. Though the people of this world do not know why or by what these computers were built, they have learned to coexist with them. One of these cities is Sol-Itar, home to the private investigator Ted Holdum. One night Ted finds himself called in by the police to look into a murder, and learns there might be more to the murder than it seems...
This game was written by me and is an example of my ability to write a story taking place in somebody else’s creation.
You can play Murder in Sol-Itar here.